26 Februar 2008

25 Februar 2008

it's just a car

but a really nice one :-)

~ un poco más ~


12 Februar 2008

02 Februar 2008

How much money is "much money" ?

Exxon Mobil earned over $40 billion in 2007, that's $4.6 million each hour (profit not revenue), or $1 million every 13 minutes. - New World's Record.

by the way: stocks "skyrocketed" after Exxon has announced it's profits: -0.53% (!)
Analysts have already expected these numbers.

Update: General Motors
reported a $39 billion loss for 2007. - New World's Record.

01 Februar 2008

Röm 12,20

Doch wenn hungert dein Feind, sättige ihn; wenn er dürstet, tränke ihn; denn dies tuend, Kohlen von Feuer wirst du häufen auf seinen Kopf.

Werde nicht besiegt vom Schlechten, sondern besiege im Guten das Schlechte.